Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year, new goals

(Image from weheartit.com)
Happy 2013! I hope everyone reading this had a happy and safe new year. I didn't really do much, in fact I'm not much of a new years person, it always puts me in a funk. I wanted to do a post about my goals for the up-coming year. I'm really excited for 2013 and what it will bring!
Stress less! I feel like most of 2012 I was stressed out! I had really bad anxiety all year and it just wasn't fun. This year I'm going to take my time and breathe and not worry so much about every little thing because I tend to do that.
Lose the rest of that weight! Isn't weight loss a new years resolution for everyone? Haha. This past year I lost 40 pounds and I want to continue to lose the rest of the weight I need to and tone up my body.
Write in a journal every day. Something to look back on.
A photo a day! Take a picture every day of whatever you want for 365 days. Another something to look back on and fun!
Read 2 books a month! Ive been reading a lot lately and I want to continue that this year!
Do well in school! Going for all A's this semester!
Those are the goals I am focused on for this year. I will update throughout the year telling you all how they are going.
I hope everyone is having an amazing New Years day!! xx